Eurolocation, l'Informatique disponible


You are faced with an unforeseen event in terms of photocopies, printing, scanning of documents: we offer equipment rental for office use in a professional setting. We are so responsive that, depending on your location, you can use the equipment barely two hours after placing your order.


Another scenario: you are away from your office and cannot travel with all your computer and office equipment. W We provide you with:

  • Desktop computers, laptops, A3 and A4 printers, photocopiers and sorters, faxes, document shredders, telephones, polycoms (collaborative worktools).


  • Installation and wired or WiFi networking of equipment.


  • Technical assistance in the person of a specialist present throughout the duration of you event to ensure the proper functioning of the facilities as well as rapid intervention in the event of problems.


Ask for a quote

Eurolocation Informatique, always present in major congress cities such as Paris, Nice, Cannes, Monaco or Marseille, but also in major european congresses, will be happy to respond to your request for a quote.